A fearless priest entered the burning Notre-Dame Cathedral to rescue the Crown of Thorns

Avatar Abelina Tavera | April 16, 2019 120 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

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A French priest is being praised for entering the Notre-Dame Cathedral while it was burning on Monday to save the priceless Crown of Thorns relic. 

According to The Guardian, Jean-Marc Fournier, chaplain of the Paris fire brigade, insisted on entering the burning cathedral. He joined a human chain to enter the building and retrieve both the Crown of Thorns and the Blessed Sacrament. 

The Crown of Thorns is believed by Catholics to be the band of rushes that Jesus Christ wore on his head during his crucifixion. It came to Paris in 1238, when it was given to the French King Louis IX by the Emperor of Constantinople, according to New Advent’s Catholic Encyclopedia.

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Written by Abelina Tavera


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