A former Dreamer deported is helpings other repatriates in Mexico City to adapt to their new home
Mexico City.-“There is life after deportation” is Israel Concha’s motto, founder of New Comienzos, who was protected by the DREAM ACT when he was deported due to a traffic ticket in Texas. His life changed radically when he ended up in Mexico after deportation, a place that he left when he was four-years-old from where his parents brought him to The USA, to Texas, the only place that he know since then and which he considered his home for thirty years.

After being deported Israel started New Comienzos, the nonprofit organization that supports deported and repatriated Mexicans located in Mexico City.

Some of the problems deportees face after being deported are not having a place where to stay, not having money, not being fluent in Spanish and not having the documentation to look for a job.
This nonprofit offers:
Employment Search, Food Vouchers, Shelters, Emotional Support, Legal Support, English Certifications, Spanish Grammar, Culture and History Classes, Self Employment,Assistance, Mentoring Program,and Programming Courses to those being deported who want to be helped by the organization which money comes from donors. If you want to donate to the organization visit their website
Written by Abelina Tavera