Blue Bell responds to viral video of woman licking ice cream, returning it to store shelf

An ice cream company is reassuring customers after a social media video went viral showing a customer licking a container of the ice cream, then putting it back into a grocery store freezer.Blue Bell ice cream is working with law enforcement officials and retail partners to track down a woman seen licking ice cream and then placing the container back on store shelves.
The video has gone viral, but it’s not known where the incident took place or when.
Blue Bell responded to the video by saying they will attempt to identify the woman.
“This type of incident will not be tolerated. Food safety is a top priority, and we work hard to provide a safe product and maintain the highest level of confidence from our consumers.”
The company says the ice cream in its containers should freeze to the lid, creating a natural seal. If anyone previously tampered with a lid, consumers would likely notice.
Written by Abelina Tavera