AQUAMAN llega a la pantalla grande…

Avatar The Millennial TV | December 13, 2018 174 Views 0 Likes 3.33 On 6 Ratings

174 Views 3.33 On 6 Ratings Rate it

(English Below)

No te pierdas esta emocionante pelicula donde conoceras la historia del rey de lo mares, un heroe de DC,  si quieres ganar tickets (ACCESSO GENERAL) para esta Pelicula inscribite en nuestra pagina en el siguiente articulo y podras ver la Premier de esta pelicula en Houston Texas, que se llevara acabo en el teatro AMC 30.

No tardes, inscibete y ganate boletos para esta emocionante pelicula, no olvides seleccionar recibir notificaciones !!!



Do not miss this exciting movie where you will know the history of the king of seas, a hero of DC, if you want to win tickets for this movie (GENERAL ACCESS), sign up on our page in the following article and you can see the premiere of this movie in Houston Texas, It will take place at the AMC 30 theater.

Do not delay, inscribe and win tickets for this exciting movie, do not forget to select to receive notifications !!!

174 Views 3.33 On 6 Ratings Rate it

Written by The Millennial TV